Cannot remove Gear from a Game

I added gear to a game and there is no longer a way to remove it.

Printscreen of Gear

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I can confirm this.

1 Add a gear to your game
2 Attempt to remove it
3 You’ll find you can’t remove it due to lack of a button of some kind

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Looks like you’re guarranteed to have it stuck there :smiley:

I’ll let them know that this is an issue unless someone beats me to it.

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Appreciate it Locard!

Still an issue.

Just want to make sure this gets fixed.

You can remove promotional items manually with some JS:

[code] var ProductPromotionId = Product’s promotion id here



Note: You’ll need to find the item’s promotional ID which is different from the item’s official ID. You can find it under inspect element of each item you’re wanting to delete.

:confused: this really needs to be fixed!


Where do I get the ID in inspect element and where do I put the line of code that will remove the gear.

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On your game’s page, you can get the ID, then just run that script in your browser’s console to delete the item

Right click the gear you want to remove:

Click Inspect.

Now look for this:

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Granted that there is a workaround, I’d like the actual bug to be fixed!

Thanks :smiley: That solved the problem!

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