Cannot ride a moving platform

I made a moving platform but the player can’t actually stay on it. I was wondering how I would go about fixing this.

Script (client):

local part = workspace.Part
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local movePlatform = tweenService:Create(
	part,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, math.huge, true),
	{Position =, 7.5, 40.25)}



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Unfortunately solely Tweening the .Position doesn’t include the physics engine, which is what would cause characters to move along with the platform. I would recommend using a BodyMover, specifically BodyPosition, to set the platform in motion, since this works using physics.

Here is another couple posts already on this topic:

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Thanks! But when I do move it, it’s pretty wobbly. How would I go about locking the orientation?
Sorry I’m not very familiar with physics

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To solve this, you can incorporate a BodyGyro as well as a BodyPosition. This allows you to stabilize and lock the orientation via a CFrame input, which you could probably set to a empty CFrame depending on your platform’s desired orientation.


What do you put for that? is it (0,0,0) or (Parts Position) or something else?

Sorry I don’t know what to do for this and where you put the script.