Can't clone a folder into PlayerGui


bug.rbxl (4.2 MB)

the script is inside the starterplayerscripts

Let me check real quick! Wait 10 mins.

Error in this line, FindFirstChild method requires a String name, and you have provided is SpawnUis variable,
Print this instead:


you are missing double quotes (")
ALSO, If you check from explorer window while on client, You can just see it, there’s no problem in code, Your print debug statement is making you confused.

Oops, yeah, you are right that the reason why it’s nil, but it’s not shown on me there

i guess there is a problem on my roblox studio

I assume that when you check the player Gui folder you have switched to Server using that Server/Client button, If you want to see that, You must be on client.
ALSO: Use Play (F5) button to play so the player joins and localscript gets executed and not Run(F8).

actually i am on client
oh now that i think about it, code wise the reason there was no bug but me not getting any visual feedback in game might be related to my studio client. I’ll publish the game and try in roblox thanks for the help

One last way to debug is that add some frame to your gui, and if the appear, then Its your studios fault.

Would you look at that! It really was about my computer. Somehow. i added a frame just like you said. When tried on my computer it didn’t show. But when i tried it on my phone it somehow worked! I guess i’ll just add 3 second wait so that i can work on it and just to be safe and then hope for the best. Thanks for the help! And rip for around 5 hours of my life

Dont add 3 seconds wait, Probably a studio issue because on mobile, You actually play the real game while on studio, you play the development version of it, try playing on real roblox (by going on game page and playing), 2 things gonna happen: 1: no frame, then delete whole roblox client and studio and re install, then if still presists, just add that dumb wait or else 2: Frame gonna popup, then its studio issue, just re-install it.

Yes i played the real version on computer too at first i though it’s the studio’s fault but then my actual roblox client also had the same bug. If not i was going to just reinstall the studio. But on mobile it worked as i said so it’s
roblox studio = not shown
roblox on pc = not shown
roblox on mobile = shown
i’ll still reinstall the studio though, thanks.

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