Can't find Mouse API reference

As the title says, I am unable to access Mouse API on the official Roblox API reference. Anyone has the same issue?
I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, it’s my first time posting on the forum.
If you want to check here’s the link: Mouse

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This has been happening recently just wait for roblox to de-bug it :wink:

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This is happening on my end too, but with multiple articles being affected.

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It’s not documented, but roblox’s github page contains all the values and functions you can use.


Thank you!
I had already found something on a FANDOM page ( but I guess your link is more reliable. :grin:

This is happening due to an issue with the server, which is in the process of being resolved.

That being said, Anaminus’ website on Roblox API (the one mathymods linked) gives you a rudimentary rundown of what you can expect with the API but doesn’t give any details. Further information can be searched up through existing threads, asking around or finding pages that do explain.

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