Can't find the players HumanoidRootPart in workspace?!

Hello DevForum,

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to make teleportation between the Lobby and to the map for all the players in a different location. I made on every map 6 parts where people can spawn (The size of a full lobby).

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Now i have this script:

		for _,plr in pairs(gamePlayers:GetPlayers()) do
			local spawnChoose = mapSpawn.Spawns:GetChildren()
			local char = game.Workspace.plr
			local Humanoid = char.HumanoidRootPart
			Humanoid.Position = spawnChoose

And mapSpawn is a local variable that clones 1 of the 3 maps.
But I can’t find the player in the 5th line of code because of game.Workspace.plr is not a valid member of the workspace. I thought that every single time the loop goes through the player plr is the username of the player he is looping through.

How can I find, with this script the HumanoidRootPart for every player the IV in Pairs is looping through?
Can someone help me with this?


Instead of indexing the workspace for the player, you should use the .Character property instead.

local char = plr.Character

As for why your script didn’t work, that’s because it’s searching for a child named “plr” in the workspace, not the value of the plr variable. If you wanted to do that instead, you have to use square brackets.

local char = game.Workspace[plr.Name]
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O i am so dumb :joy: i could know this lol