Can't get a local number to fire to the server

I tried this as well just now, when I change it, it does nothing to the output, it only says something the first few seconds of running.

A value won’t give a value. You need to include value.value

Remember, a value has it’s value, but it itself is not the integer or whatever value it contains.

So how would that be written into the script?


local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.WageChange

local wage = script.Parent.Value.Value --Gets the value's value



local remoteevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.WageChange


   script.Parent.Value.Value = wage --Implements the value given via remote event parameters


You could try setting the IntValue through the server. It printed 0 because you either had the value set to 0 or it couldn’t find the exact value and went with 0.

The value was set as 0 I checked when I spawned.

I tried running this in my code and got an Error.

10:28:09.903  Players.Itz_Dev9.PlayerGui.MayorSettings.MayorSettingsFrame.Wage.numbervalue.wagechange:3: attempt to index number with 'Value'  -  Client - wagechange:3
  10:28:09.903  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  10:28:09.903  Script 'Players.Itz_Dev9.PlayerGui.MayorSettings.MayorSettingsFrame.Wage.numbervalue.wagechange', Line 3  -  Studio - wagechange:3
  10:28:09.903  Stack End  -  Studio

Could you show me your explorer with all the relevant items?


Ok nevermind, you already included the value’s value because “script.Parent” is already mentioning the first value and then “.value” is the value’s value. My bad.

Oh ok, that makes sense. Do you know why it’s not working though?

Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve tried reproducing your issue to no avail. I’ll try to look further into it to see if anything is broken or bugged out.

I found a different way to do this, thanks anyways!