Can't get a mesh to rotate

I just want the robuxs logo to spin above a donation board, I’m checking all the codes i have right now, but none of them seem to interfere with my MeshPart (RobuxLogo)

Well as @JohhnyLegoKing stated while loops run forever unless broken (Break) so if you have multiple while loops you will need to run multiple threads.


I got that redone, MeshPart still doesn’t want to rotate.

Here is an alternative. I clipped it for you.

Wouldn’t Local part be changed to MeshPart? Or would I have to change it to “RobuxsIcon”???

Edit: @Workindad01 Code didn’t work, there was no error.

Another test you can try is try only setting the CFrame of the RobuxsIcon without using a loop, if the MeshPart doesn’t move then that confirms that another script is blocking it from working so no matter what type of loop you use, the MeshPart won’t rotate unless that problem is solved unfortunately

All my other scripts is Group ranking, Nametags, Shutdown Script, and clothing

Still I recommend you do the test and share the results if you can

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CFrame didn’t work. I’ll look through all my codes and try to figure it out, I apperacte you guys helping me out I’ll definitely will be looking back to this post and see if I missed anything.

Again, Thank you guys!

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I wish you good luck in finding the solution to the problem

Please remember to share the result if you find the culprit to help out others who might be experiencing a similar issue :slight_smile::+1:

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