Can't go back a page on 'Configure Game' page

I couldn’t find any other post for/about this bug that was going on.

So in the past month or so, I have been experiencing this bug on the Configure Game page of on of my games just changing up some things on the page and apply it to the game, when I notice that I can’t go back to the front page of my game when I click the back arrow on the website.


As you can see here, I just spam click and it just goes back pages, just stays there on the first thing you see on the Configure page.

It started happening like for the past year or so when I was on ROBLOX, but I didn’t know the Developer Forums back then, and especially telling my old friends about this terrible bug that was going on while developing some of the games.

I guess someway to fix this from going on is to have a little button that makes you go back to the previous page that you click Configure Game at, like your game on the front page, create, or anywhere that lets you go into the page. Or just to fix the problem by letting you click back as I showed in the video.


Possibly related:

This happens to me on Windows 10 with Google Chrome as well.

This happens to me as well on Windows 10 in Chrome and Edge.

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


Apologies for the confusion with this feature. A message from engineering: there is a link already that will take the user back to either the games page and the cancel does take the user back to index. If you have any further bug reports, please create a new topic for us to review.

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