Can't go down the stairs

So, I made stairs to go down. When I go down the stairs, It won’t let me. It makes me float on top of the stairs. I cancollide false for all the parts in the game, but I still can’t go down. Does anyone know the problem?

You probably made the stairs using unions, which you should do. Unions will mess up your collisions + can corrupt pretty easily, so un-union them and your stairs should be working.

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If you used unions to make the stairs, then I think that might be the problem. The Roblox engine doesn’t let you walk through unions.

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You could try setting your CollisionFidelity on the union to PreciseConvexPosition.

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Try to avoid unions. Plus a stair should use unions, since there is no benefit to it.

I already know this, just applying a probable solution to their problem.

But in all fairness, I don’t use unions at all to create stairs and I don’t think it’s necessary unless you’re adding some complex structure to it.

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