Can't import mesh with color

This is my first project in blender so I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve checked the forum but nothing has helped my case. I followed this tutorial to make a donut but I can’t import it into Roblox with color. I can imported it as an .obj file and it looks good except there is no color. I tried it as an .fbx file but it then it uploads without the icing or sprinkles. The only texture I have is the one used to color the base of the donut. I though UV mapping would be the answer, but I can only get it to unwrap the base of the donut. Also, I need it all to be 1 mesh.
workingdonut.obj (818.5 KB)

If you looked into it, .obj/.fbx do not export with texture data into Roblox.

There are multiple posts on the devforum about this that you can look into.

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Yes, I have looked at these posts before and they are not helpful to my case

Is there a “Only Selected” Option in your export settings?
Can you join the two together without messing up the textures?

Yes but I need it as 1 mesh. I can’t join the icing and the base without it getting messed up.

Maybe you have to combine the 2 UVs if you are using 2, to import only as one.