Can't insert a hat in Blender

Hi there, I wanted to make a quick GFX for my friend, he had a hat. So I imported the .obj file in bledner, but instead of a hat, there appeared a half trasnparent version of his avatar with outline of the hat, how do I get that hat?

(also, i’m new to blender so i’m sorry if this sounds way too stupid)

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This fixes the issue you’re experiencing -

Not sure did i pick the incorrect model, but i cant find such an option. It shows the Settings dropdown, but not such options

The object you’re trying to correct needs to be selected in order for it to work properly

Your render engine is likely set to Cycles—change your render engine to Eevee in the Render Properties tab to make the change -


Only thing now, how do import that charcter into PaintRig?