Can't log into Studio

I can’t log into Roblox Studio, doesn’t matter what I try.
After Login into my account on Roblox Studio this window pops up:
But it doesn’t matter how often I “Login via Browser” this window keeps on popping up.
I even tried reinstalling Studio or using another Browser, nothing helped.


i am getting something similar to this but its just a blank window that pops up and the loading is frozen


Still couldn’t find a way to fix this and I couldn’t develop for the last two days, that sucks.

fixed… NEVER set ur studio graphic settings to “No Graphics” :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

For anyone that needs a video to better understand:

@DERKINGIMRING112 Can you provide a log of your most recent attempt? Are you able to log into creator hub? Also, can you attempt to run as an Admin and see if that makes any difference?

Running it as an Administrator actually works. But I would always have to run it as an Admin. (so that works for now at least, but also only limited because I obviously can’t run separate game places as an admin)
I can normally log into creator hub, yea.
These are two log files:
0.662.0.6620538_20250303T212107Z_Studio_3AC50_last.log (72.2 KB)
0.662.0.6620538_20250303T212141Z_Studio_DE427_last.log (6.5 KB)

Have you set any browser into default, maybe Roblox studio doesn’t know where to redirect you

The first log said that it failed to acquire your token

2025-03-03T21:21:42.713Z,34.713379,456c,6,Error [FLog::LoginController] Login error: ‘Failed to acquire access token’, suppressErrorDialog: ‘false’

Here is everything that happened when you opened the link, till the error message:

2025-03-03T21:21:39.440Z,31.440079,456c,6 [FLog::Output] RbxQt::openUrl: User opened an external link ''
2025-03-03T21:21:39.601Z,31.601282,456c,6,Info [FLog::StudioApplicationState] State: Qt::ApplicationInactive 
2025-03-03T21:21:39.601Z,31.601282,456c,6,Info [FLog::RenderSchedulerState] Pushing throttle render state (count 1)
2025-03-03T21:21:42.379Z,34.379723,456c,6 [FLog::LoginTelemetry] Exit stage 'ShowExternalLoginOrRetry' with status 'true' and message 'ExternalLoginAuthCodeReceived'
2025-03-03T21:21:42.379Z,34.379723,456c,6 [FLog::LoginTelemetry] Enter stage 'AuthTokenManagerFetchInitialTokens' with trace id 'NullTraceId' (existing trace id is 'b01bad0afef325f0')
2025-03-03T21:21:42.379Z,34.379723,456c,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] Successfully received external login code
2025-03-03T21:21:42.380Z,34.380726,456c,6,Info [FLog::StudioApplicationState] State: Qt::ApplicationActive 
2025-03-03T21:21:42.380Z,34.380726,456c,6,Info [FLog::RenderSchedulerState] Popping throttle render state (count 0)
2025-03-03T21:21:42.581Z,34.581501,46a8,6 [FLog::AuthTokenManager] Parsing user id from id token
2025-03-03T21:21:42.692Z,34.692307,46a8,6 [FLog::AuthTokenManager] AuthTokenManager::onReauthorizationRequiredImpl
2025-03-03T21:21:42.692Z,34.692307,46a8,6 [FLog::AuthTokenManager] Reauthorization required due to 'Failed to save refresh token'
2025-03-03T21:21:42.706Z,34.706352,456c,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] AuthTokenRefresh, Reauthorization required for stage: 'AuthTokenManagerFetchInitialTokens'
2025-03-03T21:21:42.706Z,34.706352,456c,6 [FLog::LoginTelemetry] Exit stage 'AuthTokenManagerFetchInitialTokens' with status 'false' and message 'Failed to save refresh token'
2025-03-03T21:21:42.713Z,34.713379,456c,6,Error [FLog::LoginController] Login error: 'Failed to acquire access token', suppressErrorDialog: 'false'
2025-03-03T21:21:42.713Z,34.713379,456c,6,Error [FLog::StudioKeyEvents] login [end][failure]
2025-03-03T21:21:42.734Z,34.734451,456c,6 [FLog::AuthTokenManager] Failed to get refresh token from secure storage for revoking
2025-03-03T21:21:42.734Z,34.734451,456c,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] Deleting and logging out security cookies
2025-03-03T21:21:42.741Z,34.741238,456c,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] Empty Security cookie from secure storage
2025-03-03T21:21:42.741Z,34.741238,456c,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] Deleting and logging out security cookie in http layer
2025-03-03T21:21:42.742Z,34.742237,456c,6 [FLog::LoginTelemetry] Enter stage 'ShowExternalLoginOrRetry' with trace id 'b01bad0afef325f0' (existing trace id is 'b01bad0afef325f0')
2025-03-03T21:21:42.869Z,34.869057,2cf8,6,Info [FLog::LoginController] Failed to logout discarded security cookie with HttpErrorCode 0, status code 401, body {"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Unauthorized"}]}.
2025-03-03T21:21:42.869Z,34.869057,2cf8,12 [DFLog::HttpTraceError] HttpResponse(#15 000001AF9D2E38E0) time:127.8ms (net:127.8ms callback:0.0ms timeInRetryQueue:0.0ms)status:401 Unauthorized bodySize:48 url:{ "" } ip: external:0 numberOfTimesRetried:0
2025-03-03T21:21:46.012Z,38.012428,456c,6,Info [FLog::StudioApplicationState] State: Qt::ApplicationInactive 
2025-03-03T21:21:46.013Z,38.013424,456c,6,Info [FLog::RenderSchedulerState] Pushing throttle render state (count 1)

Ok, thanks, that’s helpful. Have you made any changes to your system recently? Upgrading the OS, changes in permissions, account roles, etc? Essentially there’s a permissions mismatch with the credential store and what Studio is allowed to do - we’re trying to track down what might have caused this.

Nope not at all, only windows updates but I guess that can’t be the reason?

Alright, I just tested it today again and it seems for some reason to be resolved?

(I just always have to do a login now when I want to go into a new place inside of a game and when I open Studio in general I have to always confirm that I wanna use that account)

I haven’t done anything different from the last two days but well it works.
Thanks for the help.

Ok, this is interesting. Merging with this thread where the submitter is seeing the same thing. Interestingly enough, the behavior also changed yesterday. We’ll track all the issues here.

Are you seeing a login prompt or just account select prompt? Can we get another log from today where you are getting the prompt? Just want to compare the two.

Also, are you still running as admin?

Nope, I don’t run it as an admin anymore.

For the opening Roblox Studio, I just get the account selection, logs:
0.662.0.6620538_20250304T194537Z_Studio_77932_last.log (86.5 KB)

When I select a new game via Asset Manager → Places I have to log in via browser, logs:
0.662.0.6620538_20250304T194718Z_Studio_CF5D6_last.log (169.0 KB)
0.662.0.6620538_20250304T194749Z_Studio_28A03_last.log (6.4 KB)

But as I already said despite still having to do these extra steps everything else at least works normally again.