Cant move mouse to buy a dev product when in first person

Hi! I’m using a script to lock the player’s camera in the first person so I cant just zoom out. the problem is, when I try and buy a dev product it first gave me an error message BUT I was able to move the mouse to click ok. but when I fixed it and was given the option to buy it or cancel, I could not move the mouse to click an option. before they changed the buy prompt to included the no refunds message, it would let me move the mouse, but with the new one, I cant move the mouse. there a way to fix this so the mouse functions as the error message did?


–this should help

So the camera script I was using (I never mentioned this because I was not looking to fix this) but the script I was using had a thing where when I pressed f it unlocks the mouse, but it only worked in Roblox studio. turns out the script said to put it into starter GUI or starter player, and so I put it in starter GUI, but when I moved the script to starter character scripts under starter player it worked in-game and not just in Roblox studio.

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