Can't parse JSON error

I keep coming across an error when trying to use httpService:JSONDecode and I have no idea why it is happening! It keeps saying “Can’t parse JSON” whenever I try and run it and I have looked at about 7 different posts with the same issue but none of them worked, I validated the link btw.

here is the code:
(gameId is the PlaceId of the place)

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.getPlayerCount.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, gameId)
	local result = httpService:GetAsync(""..tostring(gameId))
	local decodedBody = httpService:JSONDecode(result).body

	local active =[1].playing

	local maxPlayers =[1].maxPlayers
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.getPlayerCount:FireClient(player, active, maxPlayers)

Any help would be appreciated!

I’m not sure if that website even works. Proxies commonly get blocked by Roblox due to their frequent pinging of the Roblox domain. I’d recommend either using your own proxy or wait for Roblox to release their more permanent solution that they’ve hinted at a while back:

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The proxy was taken down a while ago which is why you’re trying to JSONDecode a default website.

im using the new domain now but its saying “HTTP 404 (Not Found)” but at least when i try typing it into my browser i get a JSON response even if its an error

(btw do you know how blockate or wubby gets player counts?)

Blockate and wubby both use proxies but I recommend not using proxies and waiting until official support for proxies come out.

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