Can't parse JSON

is it the , becit seems like it is.

Was the error solved? Everything seems to be good now.

removed the /… still doesn’t work. and according to google when searchign the error the , is required.

it seems that everything about it is botched

where exactly did you get this json?

Remove the extra ". That seems to be the error.

Again, followed a tutorial. they din’t really explain how to add custom songs so I just duplicated another song and changed the sound ID

There is no extra ". So idk what u mean.

from which tutorial exactly did you get this json?

roblox studio how to make fnf (using kit) - YouTube

I can’t really help you any further as I have no knowledge within JSON. You should make your own instead, a lot of the code is probably not needed either as there’s a lot of lines.

The lines after that are for the arrows im pretty sure.

When using the string in the pastbein pasted directly in a script it work fine but in a stringValue i got the error so it seem to be the way StringValue behave

the thing is it does work with all the other songs. So why would specificly this stringvalue error?

Can you paste a working one to compare ?

JSON Error -

You can tell one that this one is correct because it has syntax highlighting unlike this one

Working one:

Broken one:

so what is causing it to break…

I just noticed that the “” in “Grassy” is causing it to break…

Before :

After :

(backwards slashes apparently get removed :confused: )

I did exactly that but it din’t fix it.

Are you 100% sure?
Removing the backslash works for me…?

Here is the pastebin: