Can't select Social Genre under Ads?

For some reason I can no longer select “Social” as a Genre under Ads? Below is a list of all current selectable options.

This is a picture of a previous ad where I used Social as Genre

Why can’t I select Social again? Am I missing something?


@kayakrivers should this be a bug report? Or is intended behavior?

I feel like the answer would have to come from Roblox staff on this. They don’t usually check this category. I suggest making a post in #bug-reports.

Since you haven’t made a post in that category, I assume you’re not in the @AllowBugReports group. You need to join that first to have access to reporting bugs. Hope you get clarification! :saluting_face:


Thank you, this is meant to be a bug report but I had no idea on how to get access, thanks for letting me know how


Sorry but are you able to make the report for me :sweat_smile: still no access to the forum, and they only give access once a month and I need this bug fixed asap

I think I can make a post for you, but only if I can reproduce your issue -which I can:

I say that based on this, but not 100% sure cause a lot of updates have happened to bug reporting since 2020:

Maybe @Hooksmith can clarify if posting for others -if you can reproduce the issue- is allowed. I mean, the logic is there, but yeah.

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Same thing here but with the “Tycoon” genre.

(Previous ad I’ve done with one of my tycoons)

(My current state of Ads Manager and available genres)

I don’t know if it’s an actual bug or they’re changing the ads to only target genres and not sub-genres.

(Screenshot of what I mean)

But I can’t be sure about that since there are some games with the genre “Social”, and not being able to advertise on that genre seems illogical to my assumption.


I would like to release another tycoon but I will wait a little bit more time to see if this gets reported/fixed or clarified, I’d would prefer to properly target my ads to be honest.

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Could you try following what I do in this video? There might be confusion on how to make a bug report. You have to do it through the bug report form via the button shown in the video, not just creating a topic:

I was told that people don’t need to be in the AllowBugReports group at this time to report bugs.

I’ve made a bug report about this and got a response, in short, Social is in the new “Party & Casual” and Tycoon got into “Simulation”.

This is kind of sad because I’ve advertised two tycoons with the “Tycoon” genre and they did really well, but did a third one with the “Simulation” genre and didn’t go as expected.

I guess I’ll find a work-around to targeting the proper audience.

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