Hey devforum! I seem to be having an issue where the success rates of my teleport script are really low, i was wondering if theres a way to fix this or if theres a more efficient way to script this?
What is the issue: when i call the teleport event on a player after the loading screen, the teleport takes 1+ minute to fully work or most of the time just throws a teleport error on screen after waiting the long 1-2 min wait:
What solutions have I tried so far: Ive tried changing teleport methods in the script, but both still gave errors.
Heres the link to the game if you want to test it out: REALMS of roblox [ALPHA] - Roblox
below is the code for my teleport handler, and yes ive already checked that the place ID is correct.
local TeleportEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleEvent
local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = {}
local PrivateServerCode = TPS:ReserveServer(16740888388)
TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(16740888388, PrivateServerCode, Players)
Possible causations of this problem:
I may have scripted something wrong in the script, if so then please let me know!
The place being teleported to is massive and may take time to prepare in the servers:
It may be something to do with the fact ive limited the server capacity im teleporting the player to at 1 max plr. But im not sure.
Thanks for the help - FastTheDev