Can't update game name because text filtering is unclear

The current text filter prevents developers from effectively communicating information about their games.

We have to poke at it trying to figure out why it won’t let our content go through and it’s a huge waste of developer time. If you were given a description by a translator that won’t go through, good luck :slight_smile:

We ended an event in World // Zero recently, and I tried to remove a sentence from the description, but it tells me I cannot because the new description is inappropriate.


YES! This is a real inconvenience to developers. They need to tell us what word(s) are being filtered and preventing us to change the description. Please Roblox!



Can you provide a link to the game please, so I can get the full text of the description and troubleshoot the issue?


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After testing/troubleshooting, the issue is with the snowflake ( :snowflake:) emoji. We’ve had this issue pop up very recently with a few different emojis. Looking into the reason for this.

If you remove or replace the snowflakes the description should work.


Yeah, the same thing has been happening to me. The blank name I’ve given to my place now stops me from even changing the description of my own game or anything about my game from the website. It’d be great if we got to to know what exactly in our game’s description / game’s name is inappropriate/censored. We should at least be able to change or game’s settings even if something in the game’s description/name is being censored.


instead of going around the problem, how about you start fixing those things instead? it has been a huge pain for many, MANY developers now


I agree. Why should our game’s description/game’s name being censored stop us from changing our game’s settings from the website anyway? It’s just absurd. Plus, this issue has been going on for a long while already, I’m just wondering why it’s still like this now.

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Why in the world did the filter think that the snowflake emoji is inappropriate?

Please fix this problem, it has annoyed devs for quite some time now, as we cannot reliably put information of the game in our descriptions, without triggering this filter.


It might be because people use it as a symbol/word for overly sensitive people.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the past week.

The issue is the current system does not tell developers in any way what the inappropriate text is.

Ideally there could be a red underline over the trouble text.


I had this problem took me like a half an hour to delete bits and pieces to figure out what it was.

I think the solution would be to say whats causing it in the error.

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Is it good to bump this old thread? I had a problem but it was with the word “private” in private server.


The error text should be more clear. It seems to censor random things for no reason, like when REMOVING stuff from the description. It also recently errored when I put a DevFroum URL in the description, which is supposed to be whitelisted.


Same here, I was trying to update a devforum link which worked before, and it got filtered and so I had to remove it :neutral_face:

Yeah I was getting a very similar issue while trying to update my game. I ended up rewording some of the description and that worked with the DevForum Link.

I’m having the same issue, I feel like 30% of my development time is playing “find the swear word” in my description

That sounds like the filter updated since you initially wrote the game’s description. I am not a fan of how the filter is constantly changing, being AI-based.

This problem applies to all filtered text on Roblox. It’s only checked at the time you submit it. If the filter updates and starts blocking the word after that, the website/game still continue to show it, as it was pre-filtered. For example, I have an outfit named Roblox Noob, which was named before they started randomly filtering the latter word. When I tried naming an outfit in a game that exact phrase, it was filtered, but yet the outfit on my account maintained that name.