Hi, this is what it looks like for me, even after using a different version
This is what it looks like fullscaled, it still has those tiny extras pixels

Hi, this is what it looks like for me, even after using a different version
Can you send me a repo? I’ll take a look
Sure! Add me on Discord.
my username is aunarky
we living
Module Update - v4.8.0.b
Hey all. This update introduces a couple of new things. The biggest and most important change is that the canvas method DrawImageRect has been reworked and has changed slightly.
This method no longer uses textured triangles to render a rect. This means that there are no jagged texturing distortions at decimal scales or uneven texture scales.
Added FlipX and FlipY boolean parameters for a native way to flip a sprite/image within an image rect region
Removed the angle parameter due to much more simplistic and faster rendering method. This parameter also didn’t really serve much use paired up with this method.
The rendering speed of this method has been increased by about 15%. There is also no more overdrawing issues.
Alpha blending is now supported!
Parameter changes can be visualised here:
ImageData, -- Our image/texture
Point, -- The origin point
ReftOffset, -- Rect offset in pixels
RectSize, -- Rect size in pixels
Scale, -- Scale percentage
FlipX, -- Flips the rect horizontally
FlipY, -- Flips the rect vertically
AlphaBlending -- Enables true transparency blending
This new client sided method can come in handy when working with screen or viewport points as this method transforms them to canvas pixel points.
This method behaves very similarly to Canvas:GetMousePoint()
, but instead takes Vector2 position parameter and returns a Vector2 canvas point, regardless if it is within or outside of the canvas.
local ScreenPos = Vector2.new(1920, 1080) -- Bottom right corner of a standard 1080p screen
local CanvasPoint = Canvas:ViewportToCanvasPoint(ScreenPos)
CanvasDraw4.8.0.b.rbxm (65.0 KB)
Module and Plugin Update - v4.9.0.b
Fixed module and plugin to support the new EditableImage workflow changes: [Studio Beta] Major updates to in-experience Mesh & Image APIs
Performance improvements and memory optimisations for CanvasDraw.GetImageData() and CanvasDraw.GetImageDataFromTextureId()
The CanvasDraw.GetImageDataFromTextureId() method has been updated to support any asset based errors as this method can no longer guarantee a returned ImageData due to new EditableImage API changes and limiations. This method will also no longer work on assets that you do not own.
CanvasDraw SaveObjects have a new chunk-based format which has allowed me to increase the resolution limit from 256x256 to 1024x1024 pixels!
The CanvasDraw Tools plugin has also been updated to support this new limit and format
1024x1024 is a very large image to compress and decompress. In most use cases, you don’t even need anything higher than 512x512.
At a resolution this high;
Importing SaveObjects may freeze your client for a few seconds.
Storing a lot of these large SaveObjects may impact your place file size.
Calling CanvasDraw.GetImageData(SaveObject) will normally freeze your client for a second second. A new parameter has been added to this method (SlowLoad)
which avoids this problem.
Setting this parameter to true will yield your code and slowly decompress large SaveObjects to avoid freezing the client.
For an alternative, you can also use roblox images and call CanvasDraw.GetImageDataFromTextureId(TextureId) instead, which avoids decompression and doesn’t take up storage space.
Here’s the full change log:
Module Changes:
Increased SaveObject resolution read limit from 256x256 to 1024x1024
Added Canvas:GetBuffer() and Canvas:SetBuffer()
Added SlowLoad parameter to CanvasDraw.GetImageData()
Fixed module and plugin to support the new EditableImage workflow changes
Performance improvements and memory optimisations for CanvasDraw.GetImageData() and CanvasDraw.GetImageDataFromTextureId()
Plugin Changes:
Increased the SaveObject Importer resolution limit from 256x256 to 1024x1024
Increased the Image Editor resolution limit from 256x256 to 1024x1024
CanvasDraw4.9.0.b.rbxm (65.7 KB)
mine keeps returning Unable to create an Instance of type "EditableImage"
Are you using the latest version? All previous 4.0 versions will no longer work due to a change to EditableImage
I use canvasdraw version v4.9.0.b
Hmm odd… I’ll take a look today
Can you please provide a screenshot of the error? thanks!
sorry the error just came from your plugin
Oh, well in that case can you update the plugin? That should fix the issue
Small Module Update - v4.9.1.b
Hey all. This release fixes a couple issues and also adds custom defined documentation for the module when using the script editor
Fixed CanvasDraw.new()
‘Parent’ parameter not working on non-gui instances
Canvases can no longer be parented to Decal, Texture and SurfaceAppereance due to new EditableImage limitations. However, MeshPart and GuiObject are still supported and Decal/texture support should hopefully be back sometime soon.
Added Canvas:GetBuffer()
Added documentation for all module functions and methods.
CanvasDraw4.9.1.b.rbxm (68.4 KB)
Module Small Patch - v4.9.2.b
not working due to EditableImage workflow changes. This method will now work as intended againCanvasDraw4.9.2.b.rbxm (68.4 KB)
is there a open source place for that game?
There are some misspellings in the comments (it is supposed to be YIELDS)
Oh, thank you for pointing that out! I’ll will fix those at some point
Another thing, are the “strong” things supposed to show up or is it not working as intended
EDIT: same with this
Yeah, those are used for script documentation in the script editor