CanvasGroups are blurry when set to 1,0,1,0

As I do not have access to post bugs, I’m posting it here.

Hello! I use canvas groups for loading screens and my hot bar in my game. It does not become blurry when I make it less than (1,0,1,0) but does become blurry when I put it to (1,0,1,0).

I went everywhere on the internet, but couldn’t find anything. I know canvas groups are in beta but the bug isn’t listed on the post.

Here’s a comparison (It is blurry, its just that compression makes it seem clear, maybe open the image in a new tab):
Size is {0, 1024},{0, 100}

Size is 1,0,1,0

This only happens on the client.
Here is my studio GUI settings.

I don’t know if this is a bug or not, just need some help.

REPRO: Make a canvasgroup and set it to 1,0,1,0 and then add a frame as a child inside it


According to this topic, the majority of developers believe this is caused by either a…

  1. Bug involved with CanvasGroups
  2. Automatic lower resolution when working with high memory usage

I think this only occurs in Studio, so it should not affect your players in-game. However, it still may restrict your ability to develop in Studio, so while you’re developing, I would recommend you close resource-hogging programs and turn down the Studio graphics level.

As for the sizing issue, I believe this is caused because the CanvasGroup is rendering the entire screen when set to {1, 0, 1, 0}, despite the fact that you may not be filling the entire screen with UI. Obviously, this would use more memory, which may be causing it to automatically have a lower resolution, as mentioned before.

Hope this helped!

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For me canvasgroups are just always blurry


I like how this is still happening lol


Still an issue, and it occurs outside of studio as well.

Hi, thank you for reporting this issue!

Since CanvasGroups render to a texture (aka image), when the device is low on memory or a low graphics quality is set, a downscaled texture may be used (see here for more info).

If a downscaled texture is used, it may appear blurry (because it’s not 1:1 with the screen resolution anymore). To see this in action, try adjusting the graphics quality in manual graphics mode in the In-Game Menu:

To adjust the quality level in Studio Edit mode, you can use the the “Editor Quality Level” setting in Studio Settings:

For lower graphics quality values, large CanvasGroups (over 1024x1024) may become blurry. However, if you increase graphics quality, the CanvasGroup should stop being blurry.

The reasoning behind this is that if a device has Graphics Mode=Automatic and Graphics Quality is low, we want to save memory and improve performance by decreasing texture size.

So in the example you posted, the smaller CanvasGroup (1024x100), uses 1024x100 x 4 bytes/pixel = 400 kB of memory,
and the larger one uses: 1024 x 1024 x 4 bytes/pixel = 4096 kB.

You can see how much memory all the textures in your game are using in the “GraphicsTexture” memory section in the Developer Console.

You should also be able to see how much memory your CanvasGroups are using in the “render/renderUITexture” memory category in the Microprofiler under Mode>Counters. However, this doesn’t appear to be working correctly currently (it shows a value that is too low).