CAPTCHA ++ (Anti Bot, Anti Exploit)



Correct. It doesn’t need to that’s the entire point. I’m getting tired of having to repeat myself so many times. It seems like foreign knowledge to a lot of people that literally all you need is the correct number of arguments in this case 1 to literally respond with a fake event and trick the game into thinking that it’s always the correct answer

You don’t need to know the number of arguments

I’m gonna explain how the captcha works

The server selects 3 random images, 1 contains a cat
It sends the client a message like this

{Target=“Cat”, Images={“rbxassetid”, …}}

The client only sees the data above, but we have a secret variable inside the server script service that says “Number three contains the target item”

Now the client sees 3 images, and a message saying “return the index of the number that contains a cat”

Your “exploit system” can’t detect what the images contain, big surprise, you don’t know what to return. Do you return 1, 2 or 3? Which one has the cat, the clock is ticking on the server and your “exploit” returns 1. Which was incorrect because the correct image was 3, you get banned from the game

Your local script doesn’t know what image contains what

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Check DM and stop spreading misinformation about my exploit system without actually seeing me bypass all of it on video for your eyes to see and believe. Thank you!

i thought thats what we all knew

Haven’t looked at it much but i’ll give feedback once i do

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I don’t believe it’s usable for most games. I’ll work on an anti-bot system that detects mouse movement tomorrow. That would be simpler for devs.

After looking at it for 0.5 miliseconds then sleeping and now waking up

The most I see an exploiter doing is just mapping what image IDs are the correct answer

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Interesting. So a bunch of truly randomized image IDs without any clues to the correct answer would be secure with this system right?

Whether or not this is actually easily bypassable by exploiters , if I had to solve a captcha in a video game I’m playing to do some mechanic I think I’d quit right there on the spot. And I’m a grown man in my late twenties and not your average Roblox demographic with a fraction of the attention span or patience

Should probably focus on just securing what you can on the server with sanity checks instead of forcing users to do silly stuff like this which would make them leave in order to try to combat some bad apples


(no hate) why would I use captcha in my game if roblox already got it’s own captcha? This captcha looks useless and you’ll have to spend bunch of time uploading/finding images manually (I remind you that CAPTCHA is: C ompletely A utomated P ublic T uring test to tell C omputers and H umans A part) and It basically makes no sense because CAPTCHA should be automated. Also there no filters/algorithms to protect it from the bots, considering that with AI and other technologies that could detect image it became way more easier to complete this kind of CAPTCHA.

cmon guys lets not act like this is actually secure and adding captchas to roblox would make ripoff games more annoying and unplayable it feels wrong i like the concept though im thinking of external apis and data transfering and stuff like that with datastores that have queues and im considering creating a captcha system for that so exploiters dont overload the server but i think thats its only use case

Well if you ever manage that, yeah, that would make it harder
but if you don’t have alot of images, my suggestion would be having image ID’s that are already encrypted strings on the client and then get decrypted on the server
That should annoy a lot of exploiters because they can’t just use debug.getconstants to get the image ID’s of your client script

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I haven’t looked at the code, but can’t the botnet just scrape the image id and then look up which image it is in a dictionary/table?