Car stopping when it hits a dummy

Hi, I have a car system that runs people over and it works except theres one small problem. Sometimes it just stops and bounces back losing all its speed. The player gets run over though but the car just bounces back. I have tried making the dummy cancollide false but it doesn’t work. I really don’t know what to do. Can someone help?

It doesn’t bounce back, but it bounces back sometimes. It’s like a 10% chance to bounce.

Give the car more density… find the largest part and go to its custom physical properties and change the density above 1.

Do you mean the cars PrimaryPart?

Sure, any part that is centered to the car, you don’t want it off balance either.

The density is already 15, but it still bounces.

can you show a video of it happening?

Sure, but it’s a low chance of it happening.

robloxapp-20221009-1137099.wmv (1.7 MB)

Here. This is what’s happening in a nutshell. I want it so that it doesn’t stop it just goes right through the dummys.

And why won’t collision groups work?

You will also need to disable character collisions, thats at the bottom of the API page.

I’m not sure. I haven’t tried CollisionGroups, it’s very confusing to understand for me,

I can explain it… so you will set the cars into one collision group. You will set players into another collision group. Then those two groups you will set as groups that cannot collide with each other.

After you set up the cars into one collision group, and then you create the script shown on the bottom of that page i sent you, take a screen capture of the collision group editor under the Model tab when its open, and I will tell you what to check and uncheck.

Here is the screenshot. Plugin unselectable group is my plugin don’t mind that.

So just checkmark the ones you want to collide and uncheck the ones you don’t want to collide… right now you have it so that those groups only collide with everything except other Cars and Players… this should work as long as you have assigned the models and players to the group correctly.

For some reason it is not letting me collision group the players.

Maybe its something to do with the NetworkOwnership

How does it have something to do with NetworkOwnership?

If a player is controlling the vehicle and the dummy’s network owner is not the player also, the physics system does not agree sometimes due to the ping or something. Im not 100%. But if you change the NetworkOwnership of the Dummy’s rootpart to the player then it should work better. I think

I don’t think it would work anyway + all my scripts in the dummy are serversided scripts so I can’t do that anyway.

I fixed it! I modified some of the disable player collision code and made it work with the dummies using :SetCollisionGroup(). Thanks for helping me!

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