Cat in France | Game Idea

Hey, I think myself and everyone else would prefer if you didn’t just go and ping random people who were recently active.

Anyway, the story seems really confusing, like you used AI to write it, which looking at how its written, I wouldn’t doubt at all.
As such, I think the story sucks. Its nonsensical and completely random, why mushrooms? what purpose does the mouse serve at all? Like it all just makes zero sense.


Infact, I can just tell that this “idea” isn’t even yours, you just asked chat GPT for a game idea and copy-pasted what it spat out.

If the cats goal is to chase the mouse, why the hell is it using mushrooms to cook food? :sob:

Seriously this whole ai-generated story and gameplay is just terrible.

I’m just going to say, this entire games concept is terrible because you got an AI to make it.
Make something yourself. Do better. If you think AI can do everything for you, quit game development. I cannot communicate to you just how terrible this sounds.

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You know, if you look at a comic or a cartoon, or even an original Disney animation, you will notice that, ultimately, they are a bit weird, they are a bit crazy, and that’s what makes them so fun. You are watching a fantasy world unfold.

I truly believe that games can be like that too. Almost all games are based in fantasy worlds, so is it really so strange to have a cooking cat or a princess with the ability to manipulate? Frozen.

Ultimately, the goal of this thread is to engage and imagine this fantasy world. Even if the original idea were created by AI, that shouldn’t mean it couldn’t be made into a game. Snow white is not an original idea of Disney. You know, we iterate and use tools to make games that people enjoy, and that inspire both players and developers. So, let me know your thoughts.

It seems like a very comforting game to play.

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The only difference is that the one written by a human, despite being not realistic, at least makes sense for the story.

What ChatGPT has written and you have copy-pasted makes zero sense for anything at all. The mouse serves zero purpose but to be a guide on where to go, it has no story purpose whatsoever, and the artifact is also just… there? The cat has no motivation to take it whatsoever. The whole problem with the “story” the AI has written is that nothing has any buildup or payoff. Things just happen and that’s not good, at all.

Let me break down the story and why its terrible and why you shouldn’t use AI to make game ideas for you.

Also this is just a really terrible excuse to throw quests into a game. The game would be no different without this and if you just had a quest UI. The AI has tried to integrate things into the story and failed massively because well, its AI. It can’t write fiction.

The cat has zero reason at all to take the statue. It just takes it. The cat can’t read, doesn’t understand any language but somehow just by magic knows it should take this item. Again, things just happen for no reason, hell how does the cat even carry the thing?

One thing about games: The player never looks up, and where the hell does the “quest” come from, and how does the cat know it should do any of it?

Again, the mouse is just serving as a object to tell you where to go. Its comparable to yellow paint in games, also why the hell is the cat cooking food and how does it even have the knowledge to do so? This is never explained. Again again, stuff just happens randomly.

I don’t know how you’d implement that feature into a cat of all things, and also why must it avoid people? Again completely unexplained and just random.

More random stuff, what can upgrading do? What purpose does it serve and why the hell do you use mushrooms, the stuff you’re collecting to cook, to upgrade the cat?

I have zero idea how you can add “A sense of humor” to the cat in a game with such a soulless and stupid story.

There is no mystery, just stupidity.

If your entire objective is to avoid people, why have a mechanic be to interact with people.

They can be, if you get a human to create the concept so its actually good and not AI gibberish like this.

  1. That’s simply wrong. Pretty much every game takes inspiration from somewhere in the world. A full fantasy world would be something like BOTW.
  2. Your game is based in France. Not the gumdrop kingdom in adventure time. Last time I checked, France, and specifically Lyon is very real and not fantasy.

When the cat has never been shown to be able to cook, understand English or know anything, yes.
Adding on, even if the cat had already be shown to be able to do this, why on earth does it need the artifact or the mouse to know what to do? Clearly its already been doing it so thats just impossible to explain.

Its almost like when you get an AI to create a concept, it barely explains anything and when you think about it none of it makes sense because it can’t write fiction.

And to bait people into entering it*
Anyway, I already imagined it in my first reply and its not good because its just AI slop. Again, the story sucks, the AI concept art sucks, the mechanics suck, everything sucks. Its bad. Nothing would work together or even by itself. I know this is asking a lot from an AI bro but stop being so delusional and thinking this is a good idea.

But it does mean that it can’t be made into a good game without just taking the theming and remaking everything else from the ground up by yourself without using AI.
No matter what you tell AI, it just sucks at creating concepts and they’ll always suck.

Neither is most of their original films, but they were actually good because they were written and animated by a human. They took the original stories, made them more kid friendly and made them into films that were good. Big emphasis on the word “good” here.

And so far, not one good AI game, and so far its not looking promising for AI games at all.
Everyone hates gen AI and when people use AI to do everything, you know that, right?

AI is actually hated by most developers, especially with how its being used, and players won’t be inspired at all if everything in a game sucks because it was made by an AI.

I still stand by what I said originally. It sucks. You can’t say anything to make me say otherwise.
Story is terrible, mechanics are insanely confusing at best, the whole concept is terrible.


You know, I get your point now, and I figure that, ultimately, if I want to reach my goal, I’m going to have to do this a different way. You showed me that, so I’d like to thank you. Hopefully, if you’re up for it, we can collaborate and work together in the near future on these types of things. :rocket: :rocket:

Now writing… A new game idea/design, got a new method so I’ll share that soon.

Handwritten :crazy_face:

Naut_ Game On(1)

Needs to have the craziest lore ever.

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Not necessary actually. It has to be a good game(play). :rabbit:

An airy/lightweight town on a floating island :rock:
Naut(you) fight creatures which attack your town
Discover the ancient mysteries of the island in it’s caves and walls
Get powerful abilities by solving mysteries and restore the peaceful town

@Chark_Proto High level ideas


It kinda sounds like 49% human 51% ai no offense

But u have to make another post if u are talking bout another idea

Good luck on ur game idea :smiley:

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YO MADDY! Actually, this is pretty exciting because this was an idea totally thought up by me. And the exciting part is that i asked gpt to also create a version and it actually came out to be more fun in my opinion. The prompt was: create a game based on the image style(the naut logo) and name: Naut: Game On OPEN/PLAYFUL/BRIGHT/SUN

Here is the answer in 4 bullet points:

  • :sun_with_face: Sky-Surfing Freedom! – Ride solar waves, glide on wind currents, and master high-speed momentum in a vast, open sky!
  • :earth_africa: Explore a Vibrant, Sunlit World! – Discover floating islands, ancient sun temples, and soar alongside majestic sky titans!
  • :zap: Flow-Based, High-Flying Gameplay! – Dash, drift, and loop effortlessly with smooth, physics-driven movement that feels incredible!
  • :high_brightness: Awaken the Sleeping Suns! – Solve mystical puzzles, restore the light, and unlock powerful new sky-surfing abilities!

Such a taboo on it, while it actually managed to make the game idea more fun. And you know the original cat in france idea was just a transcribed audio recording I made and then turned into text to GPT. Perhaps had I asked to create something similar without directly stating what. It would have come up with awesome ideas. Then again, if I were to write that all out in normal human text, it would most likely stood up to be a fantastic game idea.

Looks to me, like a proper game to be played. This is using GPT’s own “imagination”. Same prompt as with the Naut idea:

:cat: Whisker-Licking Cooking! – Master classic French dishes like croissants, soufflés, and ratatouille with paw-swipe controls and magical ingredient combos!

:man_running: Explore a Whimsical Paris! – Parkour across rooftops, sneak through cozy alleyways, and uncover secret recipes in a storybook-inspired world!

:performing_arts: Charm, Sneak & Compete! – Purr your way to success, outwit rival chefs, and win high-stakes cooking duels to become the ultimate feline chef!

:sparkles: Magic, Mischief & Mystery! – When the city sleeps, the streets come alive with enchanted lanterns, talking animals, and culinary secrets waiting to be discovered!

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