Catalog API for Homestore

I am 12904, I am a full time programmer, I have been searching for hours trying to find a solution to this problem.

So I own a 300 member clothing group and our homestore is in the middle of being built, for it I am trying to have it where it auto updates to the clothing in the group store using the catalog API. Sadly everything I have found on the topic said to use a Proxy, I currently do not have the resources or web development knowledge to do that.

So with that said, is there a way to do it without using a Proxy and if there is not, is there a easy proxy that is just calling HTTP service to get a link?



You could try this? It’s near the top of the Learning Resources section

There’s also more proxy stuff if you search for it.


Just to clarify, do you mean fetching the list of your group clothes? If so then it’s pretty easy to do.

First find your preferred website hosting (000webhost is a free one).
Then once you create a new website, go to the file manager and create a new php file in the public_html directory. Let’s name it catalog.php.

Now time for the code of your “proxy”. Since in this case you will always request the same url, something like this should do the trick:

    echo file_get_contents("");

(I filled the group id for you, assuming the group you mean is Hex Designs [HD])

Save the file and click to view it in your browser. If it outputs the json it means it works!
Now all that’s left to do is copy the url and use it in your scripts with HttpService:GetAsync() :smile:


I believe this would only grab up to 42 items, would it not?

Clothing groups tend to exceed the first page item limit so you would need to index through PageNumber.

If not, that just streamlined a recursive-esque function I made to aggregate a group store’s asset IDs.

Im using the endpoint${groupId}&CreatorType=Group&SortType=RecentlyUpdated&PageNumber=%d&ResultsPerPage=42, on vacation currently, but I may have time to set up a webhook.

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I recommend using, they are a proxy website that you can send HTTP requests to and it just pings ROBLOX. Useful for API.

Just follow the instructions on the website to use it ( It is literally just string concatenation and some HTTPService ).

It also has some cool api of its own and you can use this to search music etc. However in your case, the above endpoint would be useful, posted by @BixbyAlan.

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I’ve already tried using it, it said URL blocked sadly. I appreciate all of the comments, Ill try these out and get back to y’all. Thanks for taking your time to help!

I got a question, which link do I use with HTTP service? When I try to get the website address( In my case: , it just gets back the HTML from the hosting platform.

I suggest instead of php use node.js .


var Proxy = "";

function link(url) {
  return fetch(Proxy + url, {
      method: 'GET'
      }).then(function(response) {
        return response.json().then(function(data) {
          return data;
      }).catch(function(err) {
      return err;




local Http = {}

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local Proxy = "";

function Http:GET(link)
	local Data = {
		Url =;
		Method = "GET";
		Headers = {
			["x-requested-with"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
			["Content-Type"] = "applicaition/json"
	local Success,Res = pcall(HttpService.RequestAsync,HttpService,Data);
	if not (Success) then
		return Res;
	if (Success) then
		return Res;

return Http

If you’re going to use website that does not own ssl then you have to use proxy in order it to work in Roblox.

Someone else made a post on how to easily create a proxy which can be used via HttpService. This will allow you to use the ROBLOX web API.
Check it out here: Fixing HttpService: Make PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests, access response headers, proxy to any site, and more

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Btw rename the file from catalog.php. to catalog.php (remove the . from the end)

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Ill try it, I appreciate it

It works, thanks so much. I appreciate your time!

Make her reply as a solution :slight_smile: .

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