what do you meannnnNN???+???
Look like a part
Debugging like certain things with hitboxes or see a object being stored in a octree
just try ‘VolumeBox’ gizmo. I think it does that but didnt test it.
How do I make a mesh gizmo look like that?
Thee meesh giizmoo caanoot bee fiilleed
Can I change the source code and use it?
Do whatever you want as long as it falls under the license
With a recent update roblox made this may be coming soon, once the feature is available for use I’ll take a look at it and see if it could be implemented.
so, you will be able to draw text? never noticed lol
Someone should remake vib-ribbon using this
Added Text gizmo
Fixed an issue where terrain wouldnt be found.
Fixed an issue where if there were only volume objects gizmo wouldnt clean itself up.
I’m so happy that i found this , its just what i needed , thank you. Now i can have wireframe rendering in game
are circles not supposed to be drawn under renderstepped or whatever loop you use? in the same loop I draw an arrow and a circle, if I remove the circle it works fine but rendering the circle times out the script
It should work fine, show me how your calling the circle gizmo
yeah I got it working, I was confused for a second with the angle