Certain groups (communities) dont show up in the transfer group page

When I go to the transfer-ownership place on the settings page of a game, only one group (which was created a long while ago) shows up, when the account has ownership of 3 groups (2 of which were more recently created, specifically, a few months ago.

Is there any reason why this happens (group age perhaps?)

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I am having the same issue. Have you found any solutions?

Turns out you have to wait a while
From what I can tell, its about a month after a group has been crated

That doesn’t seem to be the solution for me. I have a group created over a year ago, but it doesn’t show in the transfer choice for it.

I had two groups created about a month ago (a bit before this post or made) and just recently, the older one was able to receive a transfer
I guess ill wait a bit to see if the other group is able to be transfered to after some time