send a roblox studio place file

This is your problem, something is preventing your client script from reaching the listener. Can you send your client script here please?

Uhh I’d probably need to remove a load of stuff if I were to send the entire file

The script above (in the original post) is the entire client script where it isn’t working

send a model with the full scripts in question

Where is your Client script located? It must be in ReplicatedStorage, ReplicatedFirst, StarterPlayerGui or a Descendant of StarterPlayer


Ignore the AFK script, it’s the one below ‘LocalScript’

Nope, not the start and it’s in a server script

Can you put that listener in its own LocalScript in StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts? Then see if it works.

If it does, you’ve got some other problems with that LocalScript you need to address.



Remove Test from the search field and send the entire output please.

Apologises for the wait;

You are sure that you are sending multiple signals to your client? Not just one.

Not really too sure what you mean by that, but the event should be firing once to the client

Add a wait(1) before you fire the event, I’m confident this will fix your problem. It takes a moment for the client to load in and start receiving signals.


Oh and the SS only ‘‘fires’’ when the players are ready, so it isn’t instantly, normally 4-5 seconds after being loaded

Idk what to tell you then, I don’t see any problems with your code.

Yeh I’ve got zero clue what’s wrong, thanks for trying though ( + to everyone else who did too )

The issue is with the client obviously, what are you doing on the client?