CFrame lerp stutter

I am working on and fps game recently, but im having some issues with cframe.

i used RenderStepped and CFrame:Lerp to make a bouncing like weapon
but the problem is, cframe lerp “jitters” when used with renderstepped, can anyone help me with this?
the stutter is clearly visible whenever the player moves

this is the “stutter” im talking about

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This post could maybe help with your issue.

I already read this thread but this one didnt got to a real solution.

Maybe the best way to fix that is updating the lerp with the second value of Stepped
like this:

local Frame =
local DT = .16
game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("Test", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value+1, function()
      Frame = Frame:Lerp(, DT*10)
   _, DT = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Wait()
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works but didnt really solve the stutter