while scripting a glider I ran into a problem where the glider does not turn correctly when going in one direction but turns fine when going in every other direction. For some reason when the glider faces toward negative on the z-axis this problem starts (it works fine going in any other direction). Below is an example of the glider working as intended and as not.
Glider working properly facing any direction except -z
Glider not working facing negative on the z-axis
script lines used to turn the glider
local cx,cy,cz = camera.CFrame:ToOrientation()
local px,py,pz = cpart.CFrame:ToOrientation()
local mag = (Vector3.new(cz,cx,cy) - Vector3.new(pz,px,py)).Magnitude
local magrad = math.rad((Vector3.new(cx,cy,cz) - Vector3.new(px,py,pz)).Magnitude)
local turn_time = magrad * 10
local tiltangle = mag
local a = CFrame.fromOrientation(px,py,pz)
local b = CFrame.fromOrientation(cx,cy,cz)
local relative = a:Inverse()*b --b’s cframe relative to a's cframe
local _,ry,_ = relative:ToOrientation()
if ry > 0 then
local c = CFrame.fromOrientation(0,py,0) * CFrame.fromOrientation(0,0,magrad)
local _,_,z = c:ToOrientation()
tiltangle = z
--warn("turn left")
if ry < 0 then
local c = CFrame.fromOrientation(0,py,0) * CFrame.fromOrientation(0,0,-magrad)
local _,_,z = c:ToOrientation()
tiltangle = z
--warn("turn right")
turn_tween = game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(oy, TweenInfo.new(turn_time, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {Value = CFrame.fromOrientation(0,cy,0)}):Play() --tween turns AlignOrientation on the y axis
tilt_tween = game:GetService('TweenService'):Create(oz, TweenInfo.new(.1, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {Value = CFrame.fromOrientation(0,0,tiltangle*35)}):Play()--tween tilts AlignOrientation on the z axis to, tweens don't interfer with other tweens
I rotate the glider by setting an AlignOrientation’s CFrame to match the camera’s CFrame over time.
I have tried using a BodyGyro object in place of the AlignOrientation object but nothing changed.