CFS | Supercharge Your Character Creation Workflow

Certainly looks more natural since there’s the same distance between each letter, Current one looks a bit more odd.


Not bad but still looks odd with the so much cornering you did. Also this
maybe add a stroke to them.


The OP is using images for rendering characters and they always have such poses. I think you mistook that OP is using a viewport but it seems they aren’t.



Thank you to everyone for all the feedback you’ve given to make CFS better. I’ve taken many suggestions and included them in this update.

What’s Changed:

  • Improved friend profile text spacing

  • Headings in the Preferences window now align to the center instead of the left

  • Prices in the catalog browser are now found in the order LowestPrice > Price > LowestResalePrice instead of LowestResalePrice > LowestPrice > Price to mimic the real avatar shop and to avoid confusion when searching specifically by price. This also affects the Relevance sorting type.


I’m glad i was able to get this for free, this plugin is a great time-saver, and the UI and UX is really clean and nice, thanks for making this plugin!



CFS 1.3.0 brings multiple fixes, changes, and improvements to the interface and experience of CFS and it introduces an entirely new way to insert avatar accessories.



Preferences have a new look and now include descriptions so you can better understand how they affect CFS.

The new Activate Transformation Tool setting auto-selects a chosen transformation tool when you insert something while no transformation tools are selected at that time.

Avatar Loader

Accessory refitting helps ensure accessories appear correctly on avatars, especially on R6 rigs, when loaded.

Instead of inserting an avatar and individually transferring the accessories you want to use over, now you can directly insert them with the Avatar Inspector. Left clicking an accessory displays its type, name, creator, favorites, price, and ID. You can insert it into your world from here as well. If you just want to insert an accessory without looking at its details, right click the tile.

Items load into your world the same way they do with the Catalog Browser, meaning accessories will instantly apply to rigs when you select them as an item’s parent.

And this has been applied across the entire interface too so you can jump right from bookmarks or from inspecting a user to see what they’re wearing. You can also right click your profile or a friend to jump right to the page.

Full release notes


  • Updated look for filters in Catalog Browser
  • Refreshed GUI in Preferences
  • Toolbar icons are all the same color now


  • CFS uses the Montserrat font for the upcoming removal of the Gotham font
  • Original text scrolling is back
  • Avatar Loader now displays precise loading progress and errors
  • Errors with loading and inserting content are shown more consistently in the output
  • Initial loading in the Avatar Loader is faster and more efficient
  • The catalog browser now loads in sizes of 120 assets over 30 for less interuptions
  • Fewer problems with rigid accessory sizing with R6 player avatars


  • Settings now give more information about what each one does
  • New auto-select transformation tool setting in Preferences
  • View, inspect, and load accessories from any user’s avatar with the avatar inspector


CFS is now free! In this update, a few minor issues have been fixed and a couple changes have been made to the way the price filter takes numbers.


  • An error occurred when prompting to choose a rig type and no rig type was chosen

  • “Price Range” filter allowed negative numbers, nan values, and in some cases, higher minimums than maximums and lower maximums than minimums. Now, “nan” is not accepted, the price can only range from 0 to infinity, and minimums and maximums cannot overlap each other. These changes, also fixe issues with how commas are placed.


  • Reverted to old undo/redo interface for more stability
  • When importing gears as models, sounds are also removed


  • Typing “any”, “anything”, or “any price” in either price range field sets the minimum value to 0 and the maximum to infinity. This makes some off-sale assets appear in search results. Pro tip: Type “infinity” or “inf” to set the max value to unlimited.



  • Left and right shoe accessories have dedicated icons in the Avatar Inspector
    Bookmark tab search does not update when Avatar Loader first loads

  • Error-loading-results icon appears in Catalog Browser when opening the window before content appears


  • Cursor changes to indicate whether a specific tab is openable in Avatar Loader

  • New loading-complete animation for Avatar Loader with fixed layering


  • Friends and bookmarked users can be searched for by display name too

  • Inserted classic t-shirts, shirts, and pants replace existing clothing on rigs

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oooh, how’d you get those roundy texts?
tell me yer ways, lad.

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bro your plugins are so high quality, making them free was not the move i expected :flushed:
i donated what i could to your itch, i’m gonna try out some of your other plugins too
thank you for all of your hard work, you’re amazing!!! :pray::sparkles:


Unrelated to the plugin itself, but how’d you do the curved text?


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Wow, thank you!

In short: some math. Since every plugin you own is “open source”, you can look directly at CFS’s source code. The module that does this is named “CircularText” and it is under the “Libraries” folder.


Really love modern UI, considering Roblox Studio UI is planned to be modernised.
CS Studio and Swap will be my goto definitely.
Plus it’s rare to see quality plugins going free like that.


This is amazing. I am currently working on a game, and I use hats from the catalog in it, but it is time-consuming to grab them one by one and insert their ID manually. But with this, I can just scroll through the built in catalog and press the insert button. and I have it, so thank you very much. This is going to save me a lot of time.


This is neat, thank you for this.

I have one suggestion though; maybe add where you could also see and import players’ saved outfits. View Players Outfits? - #11 by AbiZinho this would be neat. :slight_smile:

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That’s a good idea, however there are a few requirements that make make it unfeasible. Roblox blocks many domains through their HTTPService API including the one used to retrieve player outfits. This means every game and plugin must use a proxy. Since CFS doesn’t make enough money to support the cost of hosting a proxy and many of the free proxies have scalability, privacy, or reliability issues, this isn’t possible now.

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I was also going to suggest that it would be nice if you could click on a button next to the item, and it would bring up the web of the catalog item… but it sounds like from above you cannot do that?..

what about showing the ID of the item, then if it can be clicked on , manually copy and paste it and we can manually find it in the web url…

or if you click on it, it could add it to the url string Catalog - Roblox add the number and copy it then we could paste it into the web url browser.

Roblox doesn’t allow plugins to open links in your web browser for security reasons, but all of the information about catalog assets and bundles you see, including IDs, can already be copied by clicking the text of the stat and pressing CTRL + C or CMD + C.

You can do this in both the catalog browser and in the user avatar inspector tab within the avatar loader. After copying, you can paste the ID into a or link.

If I see enough support for this extra piece of info to be added so you don’t need to follow all of the steps above, I’ll do it in the next update.

Would you find having a Roblox Marketplace link for every item useful?
  • Yes
  • I don’t use CFS

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Hi there! Thanks a bunch for making this, it’s incredibly useful when it comes to designing npc’s.

Do you think it’d be possible to make it so when I insert a dynamic head or a bundle with a character selected it swaps the old one for the new one (like the plugin does already with all other accessories)?

Right now the plugin seems to insert both dynamic heads and bundles as separate characters, which means I have to manually cut the head, paste it into the character I want it into, override the old head’s motor6D and then delete the old head after moving the motor6D to the new one, this isn’t that big of a deal but it gets tedious when I want to test several bundles at once.


Yes! I’ll add it to my to-do list.

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