Change mouse if hovering over the object

Oh, change icon to IconId, I forgot to rename it.

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i did that and have 3 things to ask, 1: the id in the script listed above becomes invisible for some reason 2: everytime the mouse becomes invisible and i click, it becomes normal but it should stay that 3: can u make the mouse only change if the player is at a distance of 15 studs away

Maybe iconId should be “rbxassetid://108939221”.
And yes it’s possible, just use magnitude.

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can you… script it? eh sorry… also how to fix the if i click the mouse becomes normal thing (maybe we can make it so if the mouse hovers over it becomes a decal and if u click it becomes another decal) changing the thing to asset id doesnt work, i tried other things too everything becomes invisible

I don’t know how to fix that, never happened to me before. Make sure nothing else changes it.
That’s with the distance:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local DraggableParts = workspace["Regen Parts"]
local iconId = “rbxassetid://108939221” 

RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() --Every frame:
	if(mouse.Target ~= nil) then --If the target isn't nothing
		if(mouse.Target:IsDescendantOf(DraggableParts) and (mouse.Target.Position - player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position).Magnitude <= 15) then --If the target is in the folder
			mouse.Icon = iconId --Set it to your Icon
			mouse.Icon = [[]]--Set it to default
		mouse.Icon = [[]]--Set it to default
2 Likes mouse problem

Output? Are you sure your id is valid? Also, the quotation marks were different somehow in my script, I changed it, so I suggest you to paste it again.

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i already changed it. i used two decals already so i dont think theyd be invalid, and nothing in the output (in the video u saw the mouse when i clicked)

I am pretty sure that’s a problem only in your game, the script works perfectly for me. I think your decal is moderated or something, I tried with another decal and worked fine, with yours it was invisible.
And I also don’t experience the mouse becoming normal on click. So I think some of your scripts do it.
Here’s a video:
robloxapp-20200926-2041583.wmv (1.4 MB)

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the click to change doesnt really bother me, imma test it with other decals brb edit: it works! only like your video, its way too big. is there a way to scale it down

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Great! If it worked for you, please accept my answer as a solution :slightly_smiling_face:.
And I think it’s the size of the decal that matters, if the decal size is big, then it’ll be big in the mouse as well

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but isnt it possible to like put it in the script for the decal to be like 2x or something smaller

I don’t think so. I almost almost 100% sure you can’t.

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thats sad, i see you are a good scripter. i had a new post thats been up for 2 days and i reuploaded it today, mind helping me there too? its a bit more complicated though: Width/depth changing interferes with size changing