are you sure the value is exactly like whats in WonderLockedValue?
edit: even blank spaces can make it be false
yep, its exactly "Pyrokinesis"
in the spell script and the value name
can you do print(spell.WonderLockedValue) and print(LocalPlayer:GetChildren()), send ss
where would i put the prints?
right under this yea yyee yeemkkmdd
i added the prints where you told me to and they both returned tables
should i try print(tostring(spell.WonderLockedValue))
does it run as soon as you run the game?
nope, it prints when i start typing in the chat
yea i dont see any reason on why it wouldn’t work, maybe try printing again at the same place
for _,v in pairs(LocalPlayer:GetChildren()) do
the table is the spell.wonderlockedvalue
the rest is the children of localplayer
i realised the issue and why your script wasn’t working
i had “Pyrokinesis” in a table, so it was trying to find a table in the player, so it was returning as false constantly, causing the spell to not show up at all
thank you so much for your help!
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