Change the default content of new scripts (DefaultLocalScripts)



DefaultLocalScripts is a Roblox Studio plugin that changes the default content of new LocalScripts in case you’re sick of seeing print("Hello world").

It is also very useful for use with UniversalLocalScripts, a module that allows LocalScripts to run in the workspace among other places.

This plugin allows you to choose what code your new LocalScripts contain by default. You can select from a few existing styles or write your own.


This plugin will also intelligently identify if the location you’re creating a LocalScript in is one where it will run as a Universal LocalScript and change the default content of the script accordingly.

This plugin can also automatically credit you if you’d like.

-- Created by Noobot9k

Print("Hello world")


Either install the plugin from Roblox’s website or download the latest release from GitHub and place it in your local plugins folder (‘C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Roblox\Plugins’ by default. In Roblox Studio select Plugins>Plugins Folder to open the folder.)

Build from source

The source code is hosted on GitHub. You can find instructions on building from source there.


This is extremely helpful! I have a huge list of variables I usually get from a ModuleScript, this might just save me the require


I’m glad it sounds useful! Currently, it only works with LocalScripts but maybe I’ll update it to work with ModuleScripts and server Scripts, too. :wink:


Blueprint (and some other plugins) already does this. Not trying to dunk on your product or anything but people have already done this and I kind of believe that every plugin needs to have a unique reason to use it.

There’s also New Source API (I know you haven’t really used studio that often from your last post, dw) that you haven’t switched to yet (or I don’t believe you did, my fault if you did), not really THAT important but it’s still cool to have an up to date with new stuff plugin for me.

Not calling it bad or anything, it’s really useful, but there are other products that do the same thing + more, with a few better methods, I believe that in the plugin market, you really need to have a reason to justify using yours over others.


I appreciate the feedback.

I’m just publishing old tools I’ve made over the years. I have a lot of experience with Roblox Studio but it seems it’s all quickly becoming outdated. I had no idea about the new source API and will consider updating the plugin to use it. I was wondering why when I changed script.source the changes weren’t reflected in the editor anymore haha :sweat_smile:

This blueprint plugin sounds interesting. Could you provide a link? I can’t seem to find it myself.

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