I’m sure it should work, are you sure the Decal is facing the correct way on the Part?
you simply misread it, I should’ve stated it better
EDIT: I edited all the posts to exclude recursion, I swear I was right but I checked on studio and I was wrong about the recursion part. At least I am admitting to my mistake and I should have checked before saying anything about recursion
local label = script.Parent
local ins = game:GetService("InsertService")
local ids = {
7079865101, 7079865630, 7079879753, 7079888250, 7079901072
--in order
for pos, id in ipairs(ids) do
ids[pos] = ins:LoadAsset(id):GetChildren()[1].Texture
--converting "rbxassetid://" into a valid ID
repeat wait()
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
label.Image = id; wait(5) --change every 5 seconds
until false