Changing users rank in roblox group

it took 58 posts but we got there in the end, the problem was it wasnt iterating over the last page which just so happened to be where the target userId was

in terms of an application centre, what do you mean? like where do the players apply? You’ll need to have them join the group beforehand but it should be possible, maybe if u used like a google docs form you could have a google apps script script which will take the results of that and send an API request to Roblox to rank them, not sure what the payment quotas are for google apps script but im pretty sure its free as long as u have low traffic

if they apply in ur game u will need to host a script on some kind of server but its definitely doable

like is it possible you can host a to make something related to ranking in Roblox studio in it will interact with the open cloud API code to rank that player

What do you mean by this?

But yes, it’s possible to create a script which can receive rankings and rank a player via OpenCloud with that. Not in Studio, though. Also, the player will already need to be in the group for the opencloud request to work.

Dude, I don’t even know what words to use to thank you.

I am IMMENSELY grateful to you for helping me make this ranking system. You have no idea how many things I’ve tried to do, I’ve even tried opening a browser on the server to try to get the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie.

Again, thank you very much for helping me with this! :wink:

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