Character Moving slow on XBOX and Mobile when using moveto

Hello, i am working on a game called Would You Rather, when players choose one of the 2 options the system moves the user, Whenever i am using a controller or mobile it will move slow, its not touching the walkspeed or something, How could i fix this?

Heres a gif of what i mean

I believe this is caused by the mobile/xbox joystick controls altering WalkSpeed when not fully walking in a certain direction. Try setting their WalkSpeed to 16 before/while using MoveTo.

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Following on from what @Starception was saying, it might be that the joystick and thumbpad controls are constantly setting their walkspeed to 0 if there is no input from the player. Try disabling this script and running the moveTo function. It might help.

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thats not the case because i disable the character controler once i start moving the user, and the walkspeed is still 16

Any solution found for this issue yet?

Any solution found for this issue yet?

I’ve had this issue before, I think it has something to do with the last known Walkspeed of the player (which can vary based on the position input). From what I recall it was usually going slow but at slightly different speeds. I’m surprised that setting the WalkSpeed to 16 and then immediately calling moveto doesn’t work. Maybe try adding a Boolean variable to the humanoid and only tracking input based on that rather than disabling the script?

I wasn’t using walkspeed, I disabled fully the controls. And enabling them when the user I allowed to walk

Here’s a fix to this.

Step 1:
Go on studio press play, go to Players[Player Name].PlayerScripts and Copy “PlayerScriptsLoader” and “PlayerModule”

Step 2:
Stop the session, and paste into Starter Player > Starter Player Scripts

Step 3:
Open PlayerModule.ControlModule.DynamicThumbstick
Find this code:

currentMoveVector = currentMoveVector.Unit*(
1 - math.max(0, (self.radiusOfMaxSpeed - currentMoveVector.magnitude)/self.radiusOfMaxSpeed)

and replace it with the following

currentMoveVector = currentMoveVector.Unit

Step 4:

Open PlayerModule.ControlModule.Gamepad

Find the following code:

if inputObject.Position.magnitude > thumbstickDeadzone then
self.moveVector =, 0, -inputObject.Position.Y)
self.moveVector = ZERO_VECTOR3

and Replace it with the following:

if inputObject.Position.magnitude > thumbstickDeadzone then

		local x,z = inputObject.Position.X,-inputObject.Position.Y
		if x < -0.1 then x = -1 elseif x > 0.1 then x = 1 else x = 0 end
		if z < -0.1 then z = -1 elseif z > 0.1 then z = 1 else z = 0 end
		self.moveVector  =, 0, z)
		self.moveVector = ZERO_VECTOR3

And now, it should be fixed! No more walking/running at slower rates from mobile/console users!


I appreciate this man it just helped me so much!

Still works. Just need to capitalise “unit”, much appreciated!


what do you mean “capitalise unit”??

KinqAndi Has updated it to capitalise it so it’s just good to go as is now :blush:

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The console solution works but is a bit clunky.

I instead recommend replacing the default

self.moveVector  =, 0, -inputObject.Position.Y)


self.moveVector =, 0, -inputObject.Position.Y).Unit

sorry for bumping