Chat bubble cuts off after a certain amount of characters


I have had this issue in my game for a while, where if you type 30 or 40 characters in your message, it sends fine - but if you send more than that, the chat bubble extends and cuts off. (ignore my Eminem avatar lol)

I have tried deleting everything in the chat folder and readding it back in, and nothing works.

Not sure what other details to add, so please ask if you need to know more.

Thanks in advance.

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Yes, this happens to chat bubbles sometimes in the client, It’s usually because the formatting is odd. For example, if you were to say: “Hello, I’m DevFunNewIdeas, and I am a developer”. Depending on where it is, the longer word can cut off of the bubble but it still appears in the chat GUI

Any clue as to how I would go about fixing this?

I don’t think you can really “fix” It, but if It’s really a big deal then I guess you could use a player.Chatted event and then use string.len to see if the text is over an amount of characters and then :Destroy() that message

There isn’t a way to fix this, but there are many custom chats you can use.

This works pretty well: