Chat Commands [Open Source]

You just change the currency varb to the name of the currency like that:

I mean the location, I don’t put things in leaderstats. (Which is where I assume it is looking)

Oh I don’t think It’s work like that…

Well It’s for people who use leaderstats but you can still use it without those commands

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What you can probably do is table with Values that you can Increment and if Admin wants to increment someone’s stats then Admin can just do /add 50 Gems Username.

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It can be good idea for future updates

Small Update: :partying_face:

What’s new:

  • No need to write full player username for Kick, Ban, Bring commands


/kick ne -- full username "nehoray1200"

currently I don’t know what else to add so comment Ideas below :smiley:

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How is this working?
What will happen if there are two players with almost same name, for example:
nehoray1200 and nehoray1201?

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So just write the full name…