ChatModules let you create modules that influence the chat, and are designed more for commands and business logic. Message types are a different thing (although very similar).
The documentation (scroll down to Message creator modules) is very helpful with more details on how to do this.
Was using your module and it is kind of spreading to other people haha. I’m actually not sure if it’s client side cause nobody really told me but normal players sometimes have the rainbow chat and then it disappears over time. It’s a little weird. You might want to look into that.
This is a nice rainbow chat community resource. However, in game some people have rainbow chat but I did not add them in the ExtraDataModule. Only 1 or 2 messages are rainbow, but the rest are not and some people can see that the message is rainbow, some cannot. How can I fix this?
Thanks, yeah I do know that there are some issues with the rainbow chat. Just due to this project’s publicity I will probably be working on a redesign soon (after another current project)
This is mainly due to using workarounds (the extra client script)