Chat with voice & Audio API [Update]

I thought pretty much the same thing after reading this post. It almost felt like a teaser more than an update.

Would have been nice to give us at least a small roadmap for reference so we can start planning certain gameplay mechanics that may interact with these APIs.


So what is this post trying to say? Can someone summarize this because it’s a lot to grasp.


Basically saying that they are in fact working on Audio and Spatial Voice APIs


Basically theire adding a range value for Voice Chat, team based Voice Chat (aka the other team cant hear the other team, pretty sure this is what its about), the ability to make your own voice chat enable/disable button (i think?), a few new sound effects and probably some sort of more in depth access to audios but how much more in depth i dont know, still doubt that access will be anything too special


The original post was written like he had to satisfy a minimum word count. Your summary carries the same amount of relevant information as the full post.

You basically read the minds of everyone who read this topic. Well done. :star_struck:


For those unaware, this usually means a few years. cough audio update cough.

Really wish we could see more concrete and accurate timelines from Roblox, this is something we were promised.


It’s amazing that it’s been a year now with admins just glossing over the audio update thread. I am so sick of risking unjust bans for trying to upload audio because 99.999999% of the audios I’ve used for the longest time got ripped away. I don’t have any confidence that they’ll ever fix this.


Well, if you’re reading this… I think it would be cool to have stereo (left and right) components in the workspace sound instances.

It seems to me that all sounds are converted to mono when parented to a part or attachment in the workspace.

I have resorted to creating two sound sources and spread them out manually to simulate a stereo effect.

This is not the same as the spatial audio that was introduced last year where a sound is supposed to fill a zone based on a region or part bound. That feature does not provide a stereo, it just widens the range of the mono sound to the part bounds.

A stereo effect childed to the Sound instance would be very useful to facilitate this, just use the orientation of the parent object to determine direction and have a ‘width’ setting in the audio sound effect.


Are they planning on bring back Audios and adding a proper Copyright System that can detect Copyrighted music much like Youtube? cause many devs dont know how to make Music and it would be much easier on especially smaller/independent devs if they could use Free Use Audios!


Yeah, that would be a simple solution. The copyright detection on YouTube is scary accurate.


To be honestly truthful, it’s still disappointing to have not seen a mention (except one, two and maybe more by regular users) regarding the ability to sort players into channels, allowing to control which players can hear and be heard by other players. I would imagine this API would be best implemented in a way similar to Collision Filtering (Collision Groups API).

Of course I have no experience with creating these sorts of systems or the APIs to interact with them, but I personally think implementing this feature is something that should be looked into. The collision API is already familiar to developers on the platform, and this feature would pave the way for more lucrative use-cases for the Chat with Voice feature on Roblox (such as letting developers have the engine automatically sort users in voice channels based on Teams).

I do see some Trust & Safety concerns with a feature such as this, though, such as it enabling game developers to isolate themselves and other players in a ‘private’ channel for malicious purposes (those of which I will refrain from mentioning here, but you should get the gist).

  • We still cannot make sounds public
  • People get banned from Voice Chat for simply getting reported for some bogus reason

And another thing that makes VC practically useless;

People that don’t have access to the feature can’t even listen to other people that have VC. Please, make it so that people that don’t have voice chat can at least listen in.

Otherwise there’s a complete imbalance between people that can use voice chat and those that can’t.

Overall, I’m not sure what to think about this update.


People are talking about audios, but we’re also missing proper video support, moving user games to group games, volumetric clouds, proper future lighting, higher light ranges, and env maps…


Heartfelt gratitude for your work and diligence.


Aside from other concerns and questions, I would like to ask this:
Will we ever be able to put users in specific channels so that they can only hear the members of the channel, sorta like Discord?
I am planning to make updates to my own chat system and would really appreciate more Voice API updates.


If they can’t verify they are over 13, roblox is at risk of a little kid hearing upsetting vocabulary (swearing) from VC users.


I don’t think that’s why ID verification is a thing. It’s there so bots can’t abuse voice chat to play audio in games, I would think. Also, I’m pretty sure they’ve started giving it to unverified accounts with a phone number, which makes me think that it’s just a deterrent for bots.


Boy, kids these days use vulgar language more than anyone would want them to :skull:

Either way, as the user above me stated, it’s probably so bots can’t join games 'n stuff… Still annoying lol.

(god I sound like a boomer)


This makes me wonder if we are ever gonna get some sort of text to speech API soon. (I would use the hell out of it)


I think I would also agree with this.

But most importantly, voice chat being enabled in 100+ servers is where my mind is at.