ChatMessage.Message property?

How can I access ChatMessage.Message?

Having this code in a ChatModule always outputs false for IsFiltered and Message property doesn’t exist.

local function Run(ChatService)
		for i,v in next, message do
return Run

It seems like the wiki contradicts the code in the ChatChannel module too. The wiki says that Message will be nil if filtered is true but this code inside of methods:InternalCreateMessageObject shows that its the opposite:

local messageObj =
		ID = self.ChatService:InternalGetUniqueMessageId(),
		FromSpeaker = fromSpeaker,
		SpeakerUserId = speakerUserId,
		OriginalChannel = self.Name,
		MessageLength = string.len(message),
		MessageType = messageType,
		IsFiltered = isFiltered,
		Message = isFiltered and message or nil,
		--// These two get set by the new API. The comments are just here
		--// to remind readers that they will exist so it's not super
		--// confusing if they find them in the code but cannot find them
		--// here.
		--FilterResult = nil,
		--IsFilterResult = false,
		Time = os.time(),
		ExtraData = {},

Also only system/server messages are marked as true for being filtered I think while user messages are marked as false.

So if I change the line to:
Message = (not isFiltered and message) or nil,

Then it works, but am I doing something wrong?

Edit 2:
It breaks whispering (at least with a non player).

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