Check if a build is touching the baseplate, or if another build is touching a build that is touching the baseplate?

yes and make it invisible and can collide off. sorry that this is such a messy way of doing this.

you are forgetting you must have a touch interest if the part is cancollide false, also your script does not check if the build is touching another build

note that while doing this with an invisible hitbox to make sure it checks for the other part’s hitbox instead of the actual other parts since the original part will be touching its own hitbox as well, falsely adding to the count

yes. this was implied in what I said.

also, it’s the other way around with the touch interest if the part is cancollidable.

I noticed a problem that could happen if someone had multiple parts on the ground and you destroyed the base of one of the builds.

This in theory should loop through all connected parts and return false if there is no valid base.

function baseplatecheck(part)
	for r,c in pairs(part:GetTouchingParts()) do
		if c then
			if c.Name == "Baseplate" then
				return true
			elseif c.Name == "Hitbox" then
				return false

function recheck()
	for i,v in pairs(builds:GetChildren()) do
		if v then -- Make sure for this part you have a hitbox added.