I’m not sure how to even begin approaching this, so I’m curious if there’s some kind of simple way to do this.
If there was a way to reduce the angle between a part’s forward facing direction (unit) and a new angle in relation to that (view below) to a single number or value
It should then be easy to do something where you can get a true or false on something based on whatever “angle boundary” you want like so:
This is for cannons in a game I’m making. Curious what solutions you guys would use for this, because anything I can work up right now is extremely sloppy.
Also, since I’m working with cannons, if it’s possible to get a returned value on “closest in boundary direction” that would be an extra challenge
Dot Vector is what your exactly looking for as it returns a scalar between two positions which can be converted to an angle if im not wrong with math.acos
You can use the dot product another way. If you had two unit vectors a and b, the closer a:Dot(b) (or b:Dot(a) because dot product commutative) gets to 1, the more they’re on the same direction. If they’re not looking in opposite directions, the value should be between 1 and 0.
What you can do is, first check the value of the dot product for a vector that’s exactly on the edge of the angle boundary, say a 60 degrees angle. That would be a:Dot(Vector3.new(0,0,math.cos(math.rad(x)))), where x is your angle, 60 degrees in our case, and a is your part’s lookVector. Then you simply check if a:Dot((b-a).unit) is <= less or equal to a:Dot(Vector3.new(0,0,math.cos(math.rad(x)))). (b-a) is the vector between your part’s lookVector and the position to check if in bounds, (b-a).unit is the direction of that, because we need both a and the second vector to be unit vectors.
local part = --your part
local lookVector = part.CFrame.lookVector
local angle = 60
local threshold = lookVector:Dot(Vector3.new(math.cos(angle),0,0))
local position = --position inside or outside of bounds
if lookVector:Dot((lookVector - position).unit) <= threshold then
Yeah using two units seems to be the best approach
This is a lot easier with say only left/ right angles, but I’m trying to think of a way that covers the up/ down trajectory too without creating another pair of units.
I’m still completely dumbfounded how to do the clamping without a ton of checks and extra units
Bear in mind I won’t be doing this every frame so I can afford a bit of a complex calc
My big challenge right now is converting the “up down” angle of an out of bounds trajectory into in bounds