Check if object is on screen

Is there any way to check if a part is visible on the player’s screen, whether it be in first or third person?

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Let me get this straight your trying to see if a player can see a block if its transparent or not?

If that’s the case then here:

local block = workspace.block

if block.Transparency == 0 or block.Parent == workspace then
    print("ay you see the part!")
    print("rip you don't see the part!")

Can you please clarify whether you are checking to see if the part is transparent -or- if you are checking to see if the part is in range of the player’s view? This taking walls and facing direction into account?

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Proligant’s post here should probably be your solution


I’ll see if this works when I can. Thanks!
Oh and do you know if this checks if it’s behind a block?

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Thought I clarified it enough with my wording. I meant if it’s on the player’s screen.

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