Check out Zombies Termination

I’ve made a game called Zombies Termination and I would like feedback on it, here’s the description of the game:

You are the Terminator, no one knows your origins but you only have one task: Eliminate EVERY single zombie who is still in this universe in order to bring peace upon our universe once again.

But I do not think that your mission will be easy, I have seen some alien creatures lurking around who appear to be stronger than those zombies, who will do EVERYTHING that they can for them to stop you from completing your task Terminator but you can still do it, we all believe in you, Terminator.

Please do not fail us you are our only hope, the whole universe relies on you, their only fear is YOU, Terminator.

I’ve tried my best to make this game as good as I can but I know that I could’ve done way better than this but it’s just that I’m doing EVERYTHING by myself, so it’s a lot of pain, anxiety, frustration and work to get everything done by only me working on this game but at the very least I have tried my best to make this game the best that I can.

Here’s the game link:

Please check out the game and give me feedback, this game took me around 1-2 month to complete so feedback is appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m planning to revamp this whole entire game in the future when I get way better in some areas of development than I am now because I know that I didn’t execute the game idea to the best level because I’m bad in some areas of development but for now just tell me how I can improve this game.

Please DO NOT steal my game idea because I worked on it for a VERY long time as I said above, I want to say that I did not ever give anyone access to this game and I never will.


Could you put some pictures? I’m lazy right now to join your game ; - ;

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It’s extremely difficult to show you the whole entire game just by pictures so I highly recommend you to just play the game and check it out for yourself.

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Oh okay, I’ll do it later,I hope the game is awesome! Sorry for my grammar.

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It says that “The permission levels on this place prevent you from entering”. How are we supposed to provide feedback without access to the game or screenshots? Please provide at least one of the two options. This will probably be on the behalf of others because I’m too lazy to join a game.


Yeah it’s kind of hard to play a game i am not allowed to play in the first place


Sorry, it’s fixed now, I’m extremely tired from working on this game I will be going to sleep soon and check out the replys tomorrow.

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The UI is not centered.

Same for the Play screen but I didn’t take a screenshot of it.

The last image, the red text is very hard to read. I suggest making it another color and/or adding stroke to the text to make it easier to read.

Same here:

The text on top of the “Area 1 Cleared!” text is hard to read. It can only be read if you’re not looking up at the sky. I got 5C for killing a zombie yay.

I think you should make animations for the zombies. And give the zombie some zombie clothing.

Text is too small.

Im writing this as I play the game so yeah lol

And I got killed by the boss and like 5 of his minions…

Make it checkpoint-based. I am going to have to start from 0 now.


The UI needs to be updated. Zombies have nothing to them, no clothes texture or face. The walls are colliding and it gives me anxiety walking in a small hallway with a gun that does about the same damage as a nerf gun when theres like 10 zombies in my way. You should try to make actual levels instead of a hallway, also make the gun more powerful. Juking in other games (like call of duty) is pretty fun but it has to be more unique and complicated than just walking by them. Game could be more fun you know? It just needs some more work. Good job

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Dude, You Could’ve Made Things Better.

Then the zombies are so sleazy.

The Gun Was Never Recovered.

The World Is Crooked.

I Didn’t See It Because Zombies Die Hard, And If They Die Hard, You Have To Get Rid Of Those Zombies.

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I will admit. It is not amazing the game ,but for your first game it is amazing. Because, you went in and just learned. You did not reach for anything to crazy and made something simple and functioning. Next time you work on a game I suggest you do work on the content of the game like uis, models, and map design.

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I’m not just gonna tell you your game is bad. It’s got some good aspects to it, the scripting isn’t terrible. But there are a lot of things that could be improved.

The pistol is just two blocks, take the time to make a nice pistol model, it doesn’t have to be perfect but it needs to look like one. Also you need to add some sort of debounce between shots or slow the fire rate of the pistol because I can just use a macro and make it shoot super fast.

To fix the Ui, you need to scale it. At the moment your Gui uses Offset.
You see this: {0, 85, 0, 85}
The zero’s are the scale numbers, they work in decimals, e.g, {1, 0, 1, 0} will cover the entire screen. Make sure to only use scaling as it will make the Gui the same on all sizes of screens automatically.

The map could be better, it’s the same as the pistol, just take the time to make a nice looking a map. A plan is very useful so you know what you are building.

Maybe use r15 instead of r6. It looks better however that’s up to you as there are still some games that use r6.

Finally, taking away the ability to jump makes the game a bit annoying, but that might just be me. Also a tip, make the pistol non-collide. Sometimes it gets stuck in stuff, like zombies.

I hope that you can make the game better and it’s not a bad start. :+1:

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This game reminded me of how the early stages for games are. This game gave me an alpha build vibe. It wasn’t super detailed and there are plenty of things that need to be attended to and fixed but the overall idea and gameplay of it was pretty decent. First, my critques.

As said earlier, the UI was not centered, and I would also make sure you are keeping the aspect ratio for the ui so it fits on all devices. Here is a dev forum post just in case you weren’t aware of this. Keeping the Aspect Ratio of your GUIs. The UI text and color scheme could also be better. The text was a bit small and off-centered.

The next thing was that the zombies looked plain and didn’t really have much to them. You could probably look at how other zombies are made and replicate it a bit, at least the body type for them. You can give them ripped clothing and the zombie face. Another thing I noticed was you could easily cheat your way through by defeating the first zombies then just stand back and shoot the others while they don’t move towards you (I did this with the boss as well). I suggest making their range to target players a bit larger. You could even make the zombie system similar to how the game “Zombie Tower” does theirs. After you get to certain area, zombies spawn in specific spots and you can’t move on until they are defeated. I also suggest making a map such as a city, sewer, building, etc. These are just some things I believe could be improved on. I wish you the best of luck!