Checking if a player enters a zone

Currently I want that when players enter a certain area of the map, code runs to change the environment or whatever else is needed. What is the most efficient way to do this? I’ve seen people using Region3 but wouldn’t that require for me to call it very quickly so that the effect changes as soon as possible. If I can use Region3 but I am just understanding it wrong, an explanation would be very helpful.


You can try using this Plugin when constructing zones.

I did see that, I was interested in building it on my own though, I think it would be a good learning experience and the more comfortable I get using tools provided by studio the more I can trust in my own skills when developing roblox games

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Don’t really know if this will work for you but If it does, it would be more efficient than Region3. Basically shapecasts, in this case Blockcast which is a raycast but instead of in a form of line it’ll have it’s own shape which is a block. You can learn more about it here : Introducing Shapecasts