I’ll figure out a way to do it, thanks for the help.
Ok my bad I just actually read the post, mb youre doing this server side. I was completely wrong. Tool.Equipped would be bad xd. I was going from the perspective of the client. The tools when equipped are in the character model inside the workspace. When not equipped they are inside the players backpack > which can be retrieved via game.Players.PlrName.Backpack. Me personally would have a module and have all my tools inside a table. Then reference it when something would enter the character using childadded > IsA:(‘Tool’) to check if its actually what I’m looking for. Then inside the table of the module id remove the tool from the table and just add it back when the tool comes back to the backback > using childadded, IsA(tool) > Of course you could attempt to try using attributes over table values.
Ah, thank you. I might try this if I can’t figure it out!