Checking if part is within area boundary

So I needed to check if discs (for disc golf) are out-of-bounds. The problem is that the shape of a playing field can be very crazy. However, I realized that this is basically just trying to check if a point resides within a polygon. After a 2 minute googling search, I found a simple method: simply cast a ray through the shape, and count the number of intersections. If the number of intersections is odd, then the point is within the shape. If it’s even, then it’s out of the shape.

Super simple to implement, since I can just cast the ray toward the basket.

Here’s a test of the implemented method:

And here’s the code:

-- point: Vector3
-- walls: Table of BaseParts
-- ray: Ray pointing through the walls
function IsInArea(point, walls, ray)
	local function CalcMaxDistance()
		local maxDistance = 0
		for _,wall in pairs(walls) do
			local d = (point - wall.Position).Magnitude
			if (d > maxDistance) then
				maxDistance = d
		return maxDistance * 1.5
	local function FastRemove(t, item)
		local n = #t
		for i = 1,n do
			if (t[i] == item) then
				t[i] = t[n]
				t[n] = nil
	local intersections = 0
	local distance = CalcMaxDistance()
	local wallsWhitelist = {}
	for i = 1,#walls do wallsWhitelist[i] = walls[i] end
	local lastPoint = point
	-- Continuously cast a ray and count the number of intersections that occur:
	while ((lastPoint - point).Magnitude < distance) do
		local r =, ray.Direction * 999)
		local hit, pos = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(r, wallsWhitelist)
		if (hit) then
			intersections = (intersections + 1)
			FastRemove(wallsWhitelist, hit)
		lastPoint = pos
	return (intersections % 2) == 1

Just thought I’d share. I thought this was going to be way harder than it ended up being!


Much appreciated code senpai. :pray:

Why this?

Completely arbitrary. I’m basing the max distance based off of the center of each wall piece, but really I should be checking the distance of the corners. In my rush to put this together, I decided to just multiply the center-based distance by 1.5 since I knew that would certainly cover the actual maximum distance just fine. In theory, the ray would go to infinity.

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Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

Also this actually performs really well. Under the example model, a single call of IsInArea never exceeded 0.5ms, which is pretty cool. It’s operating under half a millisecond. Considering this will only be called once every time someone’s disc lands on the ground, this will have virtually no performance impact whatsoever. I could even run it in real-time without any slight issue in performance.

I wrote a neat demo for this a couple years ago
Here’s some math that does it without FindPartOnRay

local function PointInPolygon(Point, Polygon)
	local current = Polygon
	local inside = false
	local A = current.Position
	local ax, az = A.X, A.Z
	local px, pz = Point.X, Point.Z
		local B = current.Next.Position
		local bx, bz = B.X, B.Z
		if ((az >= pz) ~= (bz >= pz)) and ((px - ax) <= (bx - ax)*(pz - az)/(bz - az)) then
			inside = not inside
		current = current.Next
		A, ax, az = B, bx, bz
	until current == Polygon
	return inside

local function CreatePolygonFromPoints(Points)
	local Polygon = {Position = Points[1]}
	local First = Polygon
	for i = 2, #Points do
		Polygon.Next = {Previous = Polygon, Position = Points[i]}
		Polygon = Polygon.Next
	Polygon.Next, First.Previous = First, Polygon
	return First

CreatePolygonFromPoints takes a table of Vector3s and returns a “Polygon”, which is a circular doubly linked list of vertices. PointInPolygon takes a point and a polygon and returns whether the point is inside that polygon.


Awesome! This performs about 5x faster actually, so I’m gonna utilize your code.

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This is about what I use for Ultimate Boxing and my OBJ optimizer. It has the advantage of not requiring a re-implementation of ray tracing in other languages.