I want to check when an player is under an object or part. This is an really important feature for one of my games that I need to add. I can’t figure out how I’d do this. May it be raycasting or something simpler or complexed.
Any help is appreciated.
April 13, 2022, 9:08am
Maybe one of these might help :
I want to make a system so when player’s camera is under something some sound plays and if above player’s camera there’s no object different sound plays? how can I make it? And is there even a way to make it?
Iam creating a game like Power Simulator, so i started create the training areas, i want check when player enter on area and when player leave, i tried used Touch and TouchEnded(the area is a Part), but every times touch and touchended active together, iam 2 days traying fix that, anyone can helpme ?
[Activing Together]
local Part = script.Parent
local module = require(game.Workspace:WaitForChild("ModuleScript"))
local debounce = false
What do I want to achieve?
I’m trying to make a snow script in StarterCharacterScripts that will only show the snow particles when a player is not under a part
What’s the problem?
I have no idea how I would do that at all
Is there a way using
Instance.Touched:Connect(function() end)
Can I detect if a players HumanoidRootPart is above the part.
April 13, 2022, 9:08am
You can fire a ray from the character’s Head into it’s Up vectors component
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Thanks, that actually did work!
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