Chickynoid, server authoritative character replacement

Can this be used for npcs, and would their be a benefit?

It’s definitely not the point! I mean, it’s a hair cheaper than humanoids, but… not by much and does much less than a humanoid does.


Haven’t gotten around to trying this out, so this is something that completely replaces normal humanoids, yeah? Does it have like… the functions/events a humanoid would? This will be interesting to look at. Not sure I get it fully from just the info in the thread.

Now this got me thinking. Should I sacrifice performance to prevent exploiters ? Or should I sacrifice safety for performance?

Depends on the needs for your game. In a competitive game you might want accuracy/safety over everything especially if your character count is low (2v2, 4v4 etc)

Any documentation present for utilizing this?

Hi, are there plans to make this a drop-in module? For example, Chickynoid would use the player’s animations, proximity prompts would work and various other caveats would be fixed. This is something I’d aspire to use in my new game, but due to some of the funky movement mechanics, I’m sadly having to hold off on using it.

It looks very cool though, well done!


I don’t know if it’ll ever get to the point where it is a “Drop in” replacement - it doesn’t and can’t do all the same things humanoid does.

It does correctly set localplayer.Character though, so proximity prompts work just fine!

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This is amazing stuff and it’s great that is backing this project. A quick question though, what future updates or ideas do you have planned for this?

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The main thing people are looking for is easier setup and integration, and easier to access “humanoid like” features for things like run speed, jump height etc.

So that is all coming!


This looks really cool! It seems like exactly what I have been looking for. I’ll definitely check it out more and try to apply it to my game.

Great work!

I said that we wouldn’t be supporting terrain with chickynoid, but it turns out I was wrong!

It now supports smooth terrain.

I am dynamically chunking the terrain up using something roughly akin to marching cubes, and then minkowski summing the resulting convex hull. Good enough ™


Will it be possible to control resolution of marching cubes to make collisions more accurate?

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You could, it’d need some effort from where it is right now though as sampling the corners of the grid is a special case that doesn’t need any lerping. Currently its doing 4x4x4

Are you able to make an example sword/weapon in the demo place? I’d love to use chickynoid for a combat-based game

Is this written in TypeScript/is there a @rbxts build?
Would love to use this in my roblox-ts game!

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I’m pretty sure this is just drag and drop, but I didn’t find anything about it for RBX-TS.

No, It’s written in luau but Roblox-ts typings are work in progress.


I agree. I’m looking for tutorials, or even to make some, but still figuring out what scripts to keep and what to discard

A friend suggested this module, so I’m gonna experiment with it :slight_smile:

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Is there a separate workflow for all features? Because a video tutorial would help!
I’m working with custom characters, and implementing custom characters with the custom workflow is a little skeptical to me :sweat:

I see a lot of work being done on the GitHub, any major new updates worth mentioning? It looks like it’s coming along nicely.

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